E: I remember I had to get ed services all through school for my learning disabilities.B: Yeah, me too. I had to get help with my ADHD. I still have trouble concentrating sometimes in class.Me: I do too. I had an ed plan for grade school, but it got terminated during my later years of high school. I probably should have kept it going, I'm sure I could have used a lot of help with it.B: Do you also have ADHD? I feel like we're very similar.Me: Well, not exactly. I had issues with paying attention and processing information.B: So you're just Pink, then. (NOTE: PINK= filler for my real name)Me: Hahaha yeah, I guess you could say that.
Point being? It doesn't matter what your diagnosis is. ADHD can mean two completely different things for two different people, as can Asperger's. I don't even really tell anyone anymore that I have Asperger's except when discussing my past with a close friend. I figure if I make jokes about being eccentric and spaced out then they'll probably get it. I don't need to make excuses for who I am - this shows shame (at least I think so). I just want to be treated as everybody else.
While a diagnosis can be helpful, it doesn't have to define you. You are not a condition; the condition is merely a facet of your many wonderful and unique traits. Uniqueness is something that should be celebrated. Plus, where's the feeling of pride in seeking sympathy?
Enjoy life. You deserve it.